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My workshop series and guided women's circles in teams and organizations aim to provide transparency about the needs of women and the formation of informal support networks in companies that work with rituals and shared values with the goal of empowering women and creating new norms around the female identity in companies.


The main topics include self-empowerment, work-life balance, support and mentoring, and topics related to female identity and the decision for different life models.

The female timeline: Women reshaping

This workshop creates shared knowledge and understanding of what women need from the world of work to maintain healthy productivity. From there, concrete next steps are defined in order to create new awareness, transparency and team rituals, which help managers to retain and develop employees over the long term over various phases of life and to ensure job satisfaction.

The workshop also helps to 
uncover unconscious bias and guilt women feel about natural female realities such as care work, menstrual cramps, menopause or physical or mental illnesses, and points towards ways to  create an effective female workforce and sustainable team productivity.

The assumption is that every woman and every organization has different needs that can be identified, tested and addressed

The workshop is offered in face-to-face and online formats and provides the foundation for a movement to create a better working environment for women and long-term advantages for organizations.

Weibliche Timeline

Cycle Awareness for better creativity and sustainable productivity at work

This workshop initiates the dialogue on cycle perception of team members and is training on the basics and interactive group work for the co-creation of new norms with regard to working with the menstrual cycle on the job.


Healthy Boundaries for more success and job satisfaction

"Could I ask you for something?" a well-known sentence that quickly takes one away from the actual focus. In this workshop we work with the premise that only someone with a strong awareness of personal boundaries can achieve her goals and thus the goals of a team and company with integrity.


This workshop deals with the culture for healthy boundaries and participants are empowered to reflect their own boundaries, the boundaries of others and the general corporate culture in terms of boundaries and integrity.

Alissia looking to the side
Grenzen setzen


"How can we support women in our organization." 


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I was extremely touched and impressed by the sharing of other women and the common threads in our experiences. It was amazing to see women of all different backgrounds and stages in their careers share stories that were really impactful.  I do feel like it allowed space for me to be very introspective about how my decisions and career path have been shaped and very cognizant of how those subconscious impacts are being communicated to the women in my life (both personal and at work).  
I have actively tried since the workshop to take a more focused perspective on how I present and create space for female relationships and constructs around leadership. It surprised me how powerful the sense of belonging was, even though the event was virtual. I am eager to continue to experiment with my contribution to the effort on a grassroots level.



Design Group Manager, General Motors

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