My workshop series for all gender identities in teams and organizations aim to create transparency about women's health needs in organizations, and support networks in companies that work towards the goal of empowering women and new norms through rituals and shared values to increase employer satisfaction, wellbeing and loyalty. The main topics include personal leadership, work-life balance, support and mentoring of women and topics relating to female identity and the decision for different life models.
The female timeline:
This workshop aims to create shared knowledge and understanding of what women need from the workplace to maintain healthy productivity . From there, concrete next steps are defined to create new awareness, transparency and team rituals to create that helps managers to retain and develop female employees over the long term across different phases of life and to ensure job satisfaction. The workshop also helps to uncover unconscious bias and “female guilt” , the feelings of guilt women have towards natural female realities such as To uncover and contribute to care work, menstrual problems, menopause or physical or mental illnesses
to create a better environment for the female workforce , and thus contribute to ensuring sustainable team productivity in the company. The assumption is that every woman and therefore every organization has different needs that can be uncovered, tested and implemented. The workshop will be held in person - and offered online and provides the foundation for a movement to create a better working environment for women, which can be expanded and implemented depending on the organization.
Cycle Awareness for better creativity and sustainable productivity at work
This workshop initiates dialogue on cycle awareness among team members with uteruses, and is based on fundamentals training and interactive group work to co-create new norms regarding working with the menstrual cycle on the job.
Set boundaries for more success and job satisfaction
“Can’t you just do it quickly?” a well-known sentence that quickly distracts you from your actual focus. In this workshop we work with the premise that only someone with a strong awareness of personal boundaries can achieve their goals and thus the goals of a team and company with integrity.
This workshop deals with the culture of healthy boundaries and participants will be empowered to reflect on their own boundaries, the boundaries of others and the general corporate culture in terms of boundaries and integrity.