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Alissia Quaintance in Nature

Amovement for

Cycle Positivity

Cycle Positivity is a personal development community for women and a movement to create a work environments that recognize natural female cycles such as menstruation, childbirth, motherhood and menopause as a strength.


With my work, I support women and companies to use feminine cycles as catalysts for growth, sustainable productivity and long-term wellbeing and in retaining women in working environments.


The Cycle Positivity movement is about giving women a platform to form support networks, reassessing the role of women's realities at work and creating new norms, rituals and leadership approaches and thus helping to shape truly human-centered organizations.

By women for women

Organization by organization.

Cycle-Centric Leadership

Natural female cycles, such as the monthly cycle, the birth of a child, menopause, individual life changes such as caring for children or relatives or simply the need for a break, should not be a limiting side event in a woman's life and career path.


These important stages in a woman's life should be considered sources of transformation and creativity can be seen from which women but also companies can benefit, provided they understand how to reflect, accompany and support them in a new way.

Welcome to my Practice in Munich, Bogenhausen: 

As a licensed naturopath and Cranio-Sacral Therapist, I can support you with your: 

  • Hormonal Balance and Healthy Menstruation

  • Fertility, Prenatal Baby-Sessions (Haptonomy) & Birthpreparation for Couples

  • Natural Menopause Transition

  • Stress reduction & Balance

The InnerCycle
Online course

Female leadership and productivity redefined 

Currently in German only

For women who want to strengthen their feminine identity at work and their feminine leadership style, and take their well-being to the next level through a powerful self-leadership tool.


Shannon Chiarcos

Design Group Manager, General Motors


I was extremely touched and impressed by the sharing of other women and the common threads in our experiences. It was amazing to see women from all different backgrounds and stages in their careers share stories that were really impactful. I do feel like it allowed space for me to be very introspective about how my decisions and career path have been shaped and very cognizant of how those subconscious impacts are being communicated to the women in my life (both personal and at work).

I have actively tried since the workshop to take a more focused perspective on how I present and create space for female relationships and constructs around leadership. It surprised me how powerful the sense of belonging was, even though the event was virtual. I am eager to continue to experiment with my contribution to the effort on a grassroots level.

Daphne Zargar

Senior Manager, Amazon Smart Vehicles


Having gone through workshops with Alissia previously, I had a high expectation of learning new insights and tools I could use in both my personal and professional life. What I didn't expect and what was a fantastic additional outcome was learning more about my female coworkers and how their experiences have shaped their careers and interactions.

I feel that I learned more about the women I interact with and collaborate with within the half-day workshop than I had in the previous 5 years. I feel we collectively know better now how to support each other and move not only our careers but the organization forward in a more positive, thoughtful and sustainable way.

Pilar Cendales

Founder & Director, NATAL Columbia


Living in a world that permanently asks me to accelerate, if I want to be better, faster, stronger…I felt completely overwhelmed and exhausted.

My default mode was pushing myself beyond my own limits and beyond my comfort zone.

Since my first session with Alissia I found out that instead of accelerating, what I did needed was to radically deaccelerate.

Alissia introduced me to tools that helped me to understand my inner rhythms and carefully observe the wisdom of nature cycles.

In my work with Alissia, I am learning to regain autonomy and integrity about my creative output and commitments in sync with my body, psyche and natural rhythms.

In my life, I see better creative outputs, and more creative success, I am slowly not only befriending stillness and unproductive periods in my life but now understand that they are essential for thriving as a woman - in business and life.

Your free Cycle Tracker

Would you like to work with your cycle and learn about your unique patterns

of productivity and downtime?

Then download my free Cycle Tracker and embark on a journey that

allows you to live in-sync with your natural cycle. 


What is Cycle Positivity? A blog about new working and living environments, health and personal development on a journey to authentic female identity.

No posts published in this language yet
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
I look forward talk to you!

Would you like to inquire a workshop for your company, book me as a speaker for your event or make an appointment in my women's health practice in Munich? Then please send me your request using the form and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you!

Telephone: +49 (0) 176 239 504 53 / Email:

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