Your big transformation
The seasonal program
In harmony
with the cycles
In this program, based on the rhythm of the seasons , I accompany you individually over a 12-week period.
The program is for you if you:
Want to learn to be successful as a woman (!)
You want to strengthen your female identity and build inner strength and resilience
You want to learn to trust your intuition in order to find your life vision and gradually implement it
December - February
In this program, based on the rhythm of the seasons, I accompany you individually over a 12-week period.
Lernen möchtest als Frau (!) erfolgreich zu sein
Deine weibliche Identität stärken und innere Stärke & Resilienz aufbauen möchtest
Lernen möchtest auf Deine Intuition zu vertrauen, um Deine Lebensvision zu finden und nach und nach umzusetzen
March May
Transforming manifestation into action
Consolidation of the vision and the first steps towards implementation
Maturation of projects and ideas
Strengthening steadfastness
Summer Strength
June August
Transforming manifestation into action
Consolidation of the vision and the first steps towards implementation
Maturation of projects and ideas
Strengthening steadfastness
The Big Harvest
September - November
Appreciation of the successful projects
Work with your own shadows
Preparing for the dark season
The program
The program includes:
12-week guided individual support
Seven 60-minute coaching sessions via Zoom or in person
A three-hour live deep dive into an individually tailored focus topic
Continuous support via Whatsapp/Signal
Additional documentation and resources to strengthen your process