Female shift
New Work . Health.
A new feminine movement.
My mission is to help women thrive in their female identity, in their lives and at the workplace.
Alissia Quaintance is a consultant on long-term retention of women in business and sustainable productivity, naturopath and mother.
As a thought leader in the fields of technology and new work, Alissia has a long list of pioneering projects in introducing digital innovations and cultural transformation projects in the German and US markets.
The business graduate with a major in law lead the Munich office of the award-winning design and development studio of Vectorform for around seven years. There she worked as an Executive Director EMEA pioneering projects in the field of user experience design and development for mobile applications, gesture control, wearable and immersive technologies and in-vehicle applications for well-known car manufacturers and major German brands.
She then spent five years as co-founder of the consulting firm, IQ Gemini, specialized in Employee engagement in the digital transformation, and worked on numerous culture transformation initiatives of large and medium-sized companies.
As an international speaker on topics related to the Role of humans in more and more automated working environment Alissia developed as a thought leader in the space of digitization and new work. She co-founded the program Move to Think, a work approach that combines movement and thought processes in teams.
With her new venture after her two-year parental leave, she focuses on the Role of women in organizations and the question what new norms are needed to keep women in the workforce and in top positions and prevent a collective female burnout.
In order to cover the topic of health in depth, she completed a four-semester, holistic training as an alternative practitioner at the Center for Naturopathy and Osteopathy in Munich and a separate training as a holistic birth preparer for couples.
She has been a state-approved naturopath since April 2023 and works with women in her Munich practice on topics related to women's health and personal development.
In her consulting practice, she works with Diversity & Inclusion programs for companies that want to create a better working environment for women with the goal of retaining women in the long term. Women in male domains, such as the technology industry, are among her areas of expertise. Microsoft Germany, Amazon Automotive and General Motors count as her pilot customers.
With her expertise in the requirements of innovative corporate cultures, health and productivity paired with a large toolbox of methods for creativity, collaboration and empathy, Alissia is now starting a new Feminism Dialogue that focuses on the healthy development of women in the company of the future.
My vision
My vision is to develop a holistic women's health platform to strengthen creative female capacity in all phases of a woman's life.
The main focuses of my work are: healthy menstruation, fertility, self-determined birth, conscious motherhood and menopause.
My work aims to change common beliefs that natural female cycles, such as menstruation, childbirth and menopause are limitations to a woman´s career and her ability to express her creativity.
My goal is to empower women to see womanhood as a strength in every phase of their lives.
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