An online course with five chapters and bonus material
Learn flexibly and at your own pace with videos, journaling questions and downloadable material with bonus content
Live a life where...
Your feminine identity is considered a strength
You can work with an effective tool for self-management
You become an example for women around you
Chapter 1
The female one
Why it's time to talk about our cycle
In diesem Kapitel wirst Du lernen:
Warum Zyklusachtsamkeit kein Tabuthema mehr sein darf
Warum Zyklusachtsamkeit einen Grundpfeiler für Frauengesundheit darstellt
Warum Zyklusachtsamkeit die Türen für einen neuen Feminismusdialog eröffnet
Chapter 2
The four Seasons
The archetypes of a healthy cycle
In this chapter you will learn:
How a healthy cycle works
Which two “master hormones” play an important role
Why stress management is important for a healthy cycle
Chapter 3
Your cycle and your productivity
In this chapter you will learn:
How to apply cycle awareness to workflows and project planning
Which strategies you can use in each phase of the cycle
How to combine productivity and cycle mindfulness
In this chapter you will learn:
Introduction to cycle tracking and journaling
Recognize cycle-related changes in energy levels, mood and productivity
A simple step-by-step guide
Chapter 4
Cycle tracking
Step-by-step instructions
Chapter 5
The future of cycle mindfulness in the workplace
In this chapter you will learn:
Why cycle mindfulness is not a trendy topic
Why it's important for women to lead this movement
What benefits cycle mindfulness brings to the world of work
Course material
Eight videos in five chapters
Journaling questions
For your personal reflection
Course guide PDF on the topic of cycle mindfulness & work
Our joint working document on the program, in which you can read important information and look at diagrams again
Bonus material in the course guide PDF
Information for effective work with your cycle and what cycle mindfulness is not and why regular ovulation is essential for female health
Total duration of the course
Working through the videos, reflection questions and the course guide takes time
usually around 1 hour
This course is for you if...
1. You want to learn an effective tool for self-leadership
2. You want to understand why a healthy cycle is important
3. You want to understand how cycle observation and work are related
This course is not for you if...
1. You are looking for advice for menstrual problems, these could be varied and should take place in a conversation with a therapist
2. You are looking for specific health recommendations